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Dimitris (aka Kaos) is a psychedelic trance music producer born in Greece in 1979. Motivated and inspired by the psychedelic trance parties and culture since the middle 90’s, he started exploring the world of electronic music as a producer in 2004.
In 2008, the first Kaos track was released by Goanmantra records. Since then there have been many releases on various music labels such as: Insomnia, Discovalley, Temple Twister, Parvati, Samaa records and more.
Kaos appears also in collaborations with artists like Stranger (Strange Kaos) and Polyphonia(Polykaos). A split album with Stranger “Strange Kaos-Above the World” was released by Goanmantra rec. in 2012, the first solo Album of Kaos ” Students Of Anthropology” was released by Insomnia records in 2018, and the second solo album is coming in 2020-2021 by pralayah records!



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Agency: Goanmantra

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